Welcome to
the PolyCE Project

Enabling recycling of plastics from electronic waste

Our Objectives

We are a European Commission funded project that has taken on the challenge to transform the lifecycle of e-plastic materials into a more sustainable one.

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About us

PolyCE consists of a consortium of 20 expert organisations that are working together to significantly reduce the use of virgin plastics and enhance the use of recycled plastics in new electronics applications.

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Thought leadership on circular plastics by PolyCE project partners

PolyCE Project: A Social Experiment

It's time to consume better

Changing consumer habits and technology mean we can unlock a revolution in the way we consume goods and services. Explosive growth in novel businesses and projects are allowing people to share, lease or reuse goods and services in a way previous generations could only dream of, with real benefits for our neighbourhoods and environment.

Stay Informed

Latest News


PolyCE Webinar: Design Methodologies in the Circular Economy

Join us on 16th November | 14:00 – 17:00 CET

Click “read more” below to join the meeting.

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PolyCE partners recognised at Plastics Recycling Show Europe

On December 11th, PolyCE partner Philips won the “Product of the Year” award at the Plastics Recycling Show Europe for their Senseo Viva Café Eco coffee machine. This is the first Philips product made entirely out of recycled plastics.


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Stay in contact

Project Coordinator:

Gergana Dimitrova

Fraunhofer Institute for for Reliability and Microintegration IZM

Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
13355 Berlin, Germany